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The 37th academic salon of sociology school was successfully held

来源: 时间:2017-04-28 点击量:

The 37th academic salon of sociology school was successfully held at 9:00 am on April 27, 2017. Professor Liu made a report which named The Principles of Constructing conception——Inspired from "Ideal Type" Theory, and then the reviewer professor Wolfgang Schluchter made a wonderful comment.


Professor Liu’s report contains five parts. The first part is the conception of ideal type ; the part 2 is the laws to select valid elements; part 3 is the laws for the purity of ideal conception; the 4th part is the laws for logical reasoning and the last part is the function of ideal type.


After Liu’s speech , professor Schluchter gave a targeted review. His comments mainly include the following points. Firstly, he stressed ideal type Is actually an explanatory tool. Then he pointed out the conception of ideal type is developmental. What’s more he emphasized the affinity between social reality and theory.


This salon attracted a lot of teachers , involved Jianding Ding , Xiaoshan Zhang, Zuoyu Zheng, Dandan Zheng, Zhen Guo , Wenchao Chen, Zhigang Cao , Ju He and so on . The success of the salon also reflects the advancement of our school’s internationalization strategy.


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